What is the Housing Element?

    Marin County, like other communities in California, is initiating a planning process under State law to identify how to meet our housing needs at all income levels. This process involves updating the County’s Housing Element, which is a required component of the Countywide Plan (the County’s general plan). The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) dictates that among the seven mandatory elements of a general plan, one element must address local housing needs.

    According to State housing element legislation, all local governments must adopt land use plans and regulations that provide opportunities for, and do not unduly constrain, housing development. Because housing availability is a critical issue with statewide implications, and most housing decisions occur at the local level, State law requires housing elements to be updated on a regular cycle (the timeframe for the next Housing Element includes planning periods 2022-2030). The State also mandates that housing elements, unlike other elements of the general plan, be reviewed and certified by the State.

    What is the Safety Element?

    Marin County is initiating a planning process required by State law, to update the Safety Element in the Countywide Plan (Marin County’s general plan) to address climate change resiliency. SB 379 requires all counties and cities to review and update their general plan safety elements with climate change adaptation measures. The required review and update consists of three parts, including:

    • A vulnerability assessment that identifies the risks climate change poses to the local jurisdictions;
    • Identification of adaptation and resiliency goals, policies, and objectives; and 
    • Feasible implementation measures.

    The Safety Element update will also address other legislative mandates to reduce fire risk, plan for emergency evacuation, and reduce risks from flooding. The update will occur simultaneously and in conjunction with the Housing Element and will also occur in coordination with the update of the Marin County Multijurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.