01 November 2021

How much affordable housing should developers be required to build?

The Planning Commission considered the Inclusionary Housing study and made recommendations to staff. Watch video and view materials here.

An inclusionary housing policy enables jurisdictions to require or encourage developers to set aside a certain percentage of housing units in new or rehabilitated projects for low- and moderate-income residents. Inclusionary housing policies ensure that every community provides a range of housing choices and creates new affordable homes without needing government subsidies. These policies can provide developers with options to build the affordable units on-site, offsite or to pay in-lieu fees into a local housing trust fund.

10 January 2022

Housing Element kick off with Planning Commission

Planning Commission to receive presentation on 2021 General Plan annual report, Housing Element update, proposed timeline and public outreach, requirements for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, and Racially Restrictive Covenant Modification Program.

25 January 2022

Presentation on Racially Restrictive Covenant Modification Program and Marin County Presentation on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Staff will present the Town's efforts to map racially restrictive covenants and the County of Marin staff and consultant will make a presentation to San Anselmo Town Council on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

Staff will also present the 2021 General Plan annual report and proposed timeline for updating the Housing Element and proposed public engagement process.

30 June 2022

Housing Element Projection Period Start Date

The Town may take RHNA credit for new units approved, permitted, and/or built since the start date of the RHNA projection period.

31 January 2023

Housing Element Due Date

Date when housing element is due to the State Department of Housing and Community Development