City of Sausalito Housing Element Update 2023-2031

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Draft Environmental Impact Report for Housing Element Programs

Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report

Housing Element Adopted January 30, 2023

HCD Review Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element

Public Review Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element

Housing Element FAQ:

Housing Element Overview

The City of Sausalito is in the process of updating the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan to ensure that we’re prepared to meet the future housing needs of Sausalito for the planning period from 2023 through 2031. Under State law, every city and county in California is required to update its Housing Element to address specific requirements and submit the element to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The Housing Element serves as Sausalito’s blueprint for meeting the housing needs of our residents, at all economic levels and addressing segments of the population with special housing needs. The Housing Element will include:

  • Assessment of the unique characteristics of the Sausalito’s population and households
  • Inventory of sites suitable for residential development
  • Assessment of financial and programmatic resources
  • Analysis of constraints to housing production
  • Affirmatively furthering fair housing analysis
  • Comprehensive set of goals, policies, and programs to address current and projected housing needs

Fundamental to the Housing Element Update is how the City addresses its assigned fair-share of regional housing needs. This fair-share is determined through a regional housing needs allocation process. HCD, with input from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), determines the region’s total housing need for the 2023-2031 period. ABAG then determines the housing allocation for each Bay Area city and county through the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation. The Housing Element Update must identify enough potentially developable land zoned for residential use to accommodate the City’s new RHNA allocation.

Sausalito needs to plan for 724 new homes (draft allocation) in the next 8 years. Sausalito’s RHNA of 724 units is an 816% increase from the 2014-2022 RHNA of 79 units. The 2023-2031 RHNA is broken down by income group as shown in the table below.

To read more about the RHNA allocation methodology and process, visit ABAG’s RHNA & Housing page.

Income Group

% of Median
Household Income
Income Range
(4-person household)
Proposed RHNA Allocation
(Housing Units)
Very Low Income< 50%$0 - $91,350200
Low Income51% – 80%$91,351 - $146,350115
Moderate Income81% - 120%$146,351 - $179,500114
Above Moderate Income (Market Rate)120% +$179,500 +295


Source: Regional Housing Needs Allocation Draft Methodology: San Francisco Bay Area, 2023-2031, Association of Bay Area Governments, February 2021

Recent Articles about the Housing Element Update from Sausalito Currents:

Draft Environmental Impact Report for Housing Element Programs

Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report

Housing Element Adopted January 30, 2023

HCD Review Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element

Public Review Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element

Housing Element FAQ:

Housing Element Overview

The City of Sausalito is in the process of updating the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan to ensure that we’re prepared to meet the future housing needs of Sausalito for the planning period from 2023 through 2031. Under State law, every city and county in California is required to update its Housing Element to address specific requirements and submit the element to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The Housing Element serves as Sausalito’s blueprint for meeting the housing needs of our residents, at all economic levels and addressing segments of the population with special housing needs. The Housing Element will include:

  • Assessment of the unique characteristics of the Sausalito’s population and households
  • Inventory of sites suitable for residential development
  • Assessment of financial and programmatic resources
  • Analysis of constraints to housing production
  • Affirmatively furthering fair housing analysis
  • Comprehensive set of goals, policies, and programs to address current and projected housing needs

Fundamental to the Housing Element Update is how the City addresses its assigned fair-share of regional housing needs. This fair-share is determined through a regional housing needs allocation process. HCD, with input from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), determines the region’s total housing need for the 2023-2031 period. ABAG then determines the housing allocation for each Bay Area city and county through the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation. The Housing Element Update must identify enough potentially developable land zoned for residential use to accommodate the City’s new RHNA allocation.

Sausalito needs to plan for 724 new homes (draft allocation) in the next 8 years. Sausalito’s RHNA of 724 units is an 816% increase from the 2014-2022 RHNA of 79 units. The 2023-2031 RHNA is broken down by income group as shown in the table below.

To read more about the RHNA allocation methodology and process, visit ABAG’s RHNA & Housing page.

Income Group

% of Median
Household Income
Income Range
(4-person household)
Proposed RHNA Allocation
(Housing Units)
Very Low Income< 50%$0 - $91,350200
Low Income51% – 80%$91,351 - $146,350115
Moderate Income81% - 120%$146,351 - $179,500114
Above Moderate Income (Market Rate)120% +$179,500 +295


Source: Regional Housing Needs Allocation Draft Methodology: San Francisco Bay Area, 2023-2031, Association of Bay Area Governments, February 2021

Recent Articles about the Housing Element Update from Sausalito Currents:

Page last updated: 25 Jan 2024, 06:10 PM